Mar 22nd
Quick funny story…So I am in the Blu Bar planning a trip to Cinque Terre with a few people and I decide to go the bathroom. A simple task that ends up taking like from 45 mins to an hour. So after I finish my business I go to unlock the door to the bathroom and the key just keeps turning and I don’t hear any clicks. I keep messing with the key and lock and realize when I take out the key that the key part has broken off (its one of those old school big brass keys)… I know, right? Ha. So, after about ten minutes of jiggling the key and door handle trying to get someone to notice that I’m stuck I hear the guy who runs the café say something about a chiave (key). After about 5 minutes of discourse in Italian/English/Spanish through the bathroom door and me sticking the key in and turning it back and forth due to his request I get across that I think the key has broken off.
So I hear him tell me to wait and then he comes back about 5 minutes later with some contraption and some other customer or guy to help him try and unlock the door. Finally I hear the voices of the people I came with and evidently he had gone to go get them. He explains to them that they need to go to this store and buy a key. I hear later from them that they had no clue what to ask for or what kind of key to get. Ha. So after about 5 or 10 minutes they come back with a key and it doesn’t work so I wait longer while they go back to the store to try and get a different kind. They bring back 4 different keys and thankfully one of them works and I get free! :)
So yeah, it was definitely one of the funniest things that has happened to me in Italy! Ha. Italian/English/Spanish communication was just hilarious trying to understand the situation.
Why were you speaking spanish? btw sweet pics.